Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Coming soon

So, as a I mentioned before, I have always loved making jewelry! I can remember a time when I was in elementary school creating bead animals with a group of friends before and after school and selling them to friends or to whoever wanted one. We made more money than we thought we would and the school eventually found out and put an end to that real quick. Anyway, it felt so exciting. My friends and I had taught ourselves all the techniques to making them and ever since then I've always loved to teach myself new aspects of jewelry and art and other crafts. I know that there are tutorials out there that you can buy, and they're step by step ...blah blah blah...real simple ... $4 ... $20 for two ... that type of thing .. but I can't justify buying any of them for myself. No matter how badly I want to learn how they did it, I find that it becomes more of a challenge if I can try to figure it out on my own. It may take a while, but in the end I feel more satisfaction knowing I figured it with no help, just ... common sense really. That being said, I am going to try to make a new piece of jewelry every week. Once I figure out the basis of it, I'll blog the steps I took to get to the end result. I realize it may not be the right way, but if it gets the job done.... (I believe the quote is “If things aren't going right, go left) ABSOLUTELY! This week: Everywhere you go I'm sure you have noticed the Peruvian thread earrings that seem to be a very popular fashion jewelry piece.
I recently saw Stonepoetry (If you have not heard of them look them up on Etsy) did a similar piece using wire. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! I really hope I'm able to figure it out this weekend. I am very determined! Check back later this week to see if I was successful!

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